Wednesday, April 2, 2014

So it Begins.......

For those who do not know me, Hi! My name is Victoria and I was born and raised in New Jersey, South Jersey to be more specific. Growing up in Jersey I am used to our dialect and terminology such as jug-handles (no, I'm not talking about a water pitcher), soda, jimmies, sprinkles, streams, saying water like wooder, pronouncing crayon like crown, and so many others. After graduating high school I decided on college at Slippery Rock University. After four years in "Steeler's" country, I have decided to stay and just signed contracts for an apartment. 

Now to the point, after four years of college I have heard/learned how to "decode" the pittsburghese language such as pop, sprinkles, gumbands, warsh, and my all time personal favorite, YINZ. While at college I have been told millions of times of different things to try out here such as French Fries on my salad......with the dressing......and like the whole salad deal under the french fries...on the same plate (To my Jersey friends......I know, it's strange, but don't be afraid to try it). This always turned me off, but just this past week I was at a restaurant where I finally tried a 'Pittsburgh Salad,' I will admit that it was not only good, but AMAZING! This of course was posted on my Facebook page and gained lots of likes from my friends. This experience sparked an idea, to start a blog. 

So here it is! As I experience different traditional/official Pittsburgh foods, sporting events, and experiences, I plan to share them with my family, friends, and any possible followers I may gain. One thing I hope to gain out of this blog is suggestions on places to go, things to see and do, and foods to eat. So if you have any suggestions.....PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Victoria!!! Good blog, can't wait for your next entry!!
